Saturday, 1 January 2011

Development and Planning

Location and Setting:
-Charlie's House set at night time (roughly 5 or 6pm)
-Hopefully nice weather
-To film on the 22nd of November

Equipment List:
-A male and Female actor
-A dark slightly baggy hoody
-A knife (fake or real, preferably real)
-A pen and list of random names

Girl:*to friend walking down the street* So I'll see you tommorow?
Friend:*leans in for a hug* Yeah okay, See ya!
Girl:See ya! * walks off to her house and opens the porch and the opens front door*
      Hello? *walks into house sets keys down*
      Hello? *takes off coat and gets a drink of water*
      *sees something suspicious outside, leans forward to look*
*knock on door*
Girl: *girl goes to open door, recognises face*
       Oh hiya, i have your DVD inside. Do you want to come in?
*killer walks in shuts door, walks into front room, pulls out knife*
*killer walks out of the house + down the street, under a streetlight crosses off a name on a list. (still hidden) looks up and walks off*

Production Schedule

Monday 15-11
Thursday 18-11
Monday 22-11
Thursday 25-11
Monday 29-11
Thursday 02-12
Monday 06-12
Thursday 09-12
Monday 13-12

These are the dates that I have a lesson with my media teacher on the mondays I have a 3 hour lesson so I will have extra time to ask for advice from my teacher and edit my opening. This will also allow me to see if I need to make any improvements or get any more footage towards my film. I will try and use this time wisely as the media room is booked for us to use and since the deadline for the film opening is on the 13th of December, I plan to get the footage on the 22nd of November which leaves me 9 lessons and free time to edit and perfect my opening and leves me time to get extra footage if i want to.

wide shot- girl syaing goodbye to friend
medium close up - girl opening front door
medium close up - girl entering house
following shot - girl wakling into house
p.o.v shot - from killer's p.o.v
medium close up - girl leaning to look outside
following shot - girl opening door
p.o.v (killer) - seeing girl recognise killer as a friend
pan - to see murder
pan back - to door
following shot - killers feet + down the street
over shoulder - killer crossing off name
medium close up - looking up + walking away out of frame.

Production Log
Before Filming
I have made sure that I know what i plan to do before I start my filming. I have made sure that my actors are ready and that they have the right costumes and props. I have made sure the camera is charged so that it won't go flat while filming. The only thing I need to do now is make sure the angles work and make sure the actors know their stage directions. This wont take long because its fairly straight forward and we have plenty of time to correct anything and get extra shots if something doesn't look right. Also I must make sure I have every angle I need from certain actors as this may be the only time I get to film my piece as the weather is looking to change son and I might not get everything I need and end up getting stuck.

After Filming
When starting my editing, I discovered that I still needed some more shots as the sequence i had intended to create didn't work properly and i needed to reshoot it creating a different ending to my sequence. 

I have created a storyboard so that I know where abouts I have decided to place my scenes in my opening. I have made one for the scenes and one for the titles.

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